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GO Space Force

The sixth Advanced Extremely High Frequency Satellite launched today from Cape Canaveral, FL.  Dubbed AEHF-6, this mission again used the might Atlas V 551 rocket to carry on the tradition of putting strategic, reliable and secure communications in place for the U.S. Armed forces. While this was the 134th successful launch for United Launch Alliance (ULA), it was the 1st for Space Force.

Now that the payload is off the ground, we only have roughly five hours till deployment. We won't get to see the deployment as ULA will not televise/broadcast that portion of the mission because, lets not forget, it is a National Defense satellite, but it's all still exciting non the less. Lots of rockets take off from the East Coast of Florida but arguable non more exciting than this beautiful powerhouse from ULA.

With COVID-19 social distancing efforts ramping up, we're not sure what will become of other launches in April/May but we'll be certain to keep you posted. ULA is to be commended for consistently being very hospitable to media during these events and that is no more true than for this launch.  Allowing us to use our own vehicles to drive on base and set up cameras is both exciting for us and helps bring you the best possible imagery.  Thanks for all your support and stay tuned for updates.